Check the alignment of the pump after disturbing the piping connected to the pump, e.g., after cleaning the suction screen. 接到泵的管线扰乱(例如清洗吸入筛网)后,检查泵的对正。
Shield repair kit to replace the pump screen and the special nature of the difficulties is to ensure the quality of repair shielding critical pump. 更换屏蔽套是修复屏蔽泵的难点和特殊之处,是保证修复屏蔽泵质量的关键。
The magnetic increase vibration valve adopts the cylinder magnet, insulating magnet stabilizer as the energy storage unet and replaces the fixed valve in original deep well pump, which is connected between deep well pump and screen pipe and operated in step with deep well pump. 磁力振增凡尔采用圆柱磁钢、隔磁扶正套作为储能元件,取代原深井泵固定凡尔,连接在抽油井深井泵和筛管之间,与深井泵同步工作。
The pump sets are arranged on the operation floor with cylinder type console filtering screen to comply the requirements for the system. 泵组布置在运转层和选用筒型落地式滤网,以满足系统要求。
In this paper, the new project of using the Diode Pump Solid State Laser as the light source and double-galvanometer to scan has been advanced on the base of existing technology of the large screen laser display, and the feasibility has been analyzed. 本文在总结现有的激光大屏幕显示技术的基础上,提出用二极管泵浦的全固态激光器作为光源、双振镜扫描的新方案,并对该方案的可行性进行了研究。
Is there obvious difference between two kinds of pump? In this article the analyses and comparison of the turbulence loss, friction loss and cooling circulating loss for magnetic pump and screen pump were mentioned emphatically. 文章着重介绍了磁力泵和屏蔽泵在涡流损失、摩擦损失及其冷却循环损失方面的对比分析。
Through the knowledge of water heater operation principle of the heat pump and the control request of the system and hardware environment, the touch-sensitive screen interface and PLC control procedure are desired. 通过对热泵热水器工作原理的了解,并根据系统控制要求及硬件环境设计了触摸屏界面及PLC控制程序。
The results indicate that the type-ⅰ phase-matched NPS ring is centrosymmetric with respect to the pump beam on the observation screen. 结果表明,Ⅰ类非共线相位匹配的参量超荧光关于抽运光中心对称。